Friday 20 May 2016

The Simpsons

Storyline The Simpsons is an animated sitcom about the antics of a dysfunctional family called the Simpsons (surprise surprise). Home...


The Simpsons is an animated sitcom about the antics of a dysfunctional family called the Simpsons (surprise surprise). Homer is the oafish unhealthy beer loving father, Marge is the hardworking homemaker wife, Bart is the ten year old underachiever (and proud of it), Lisa is the unappreciated eight year old genius, and Maggie is the cute, pacifier loving silent infant. Written by Sam Kelly


Genres: Animation | Comedy
Official Sites: FOX | Official Facebook
Country: USA
Language: German | Hindi | Russian | Swedish | Swahili | Mandarin | Cantonese | English | Italian | French | Bengali | Spanish | Czech | Arabic | Klingon | Japanese | Hebrew | Albanian | Turkish
Release Date: 17 December 1989 (USA)
Also Known As: Los Simpson

Source: IMDB 

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